Wednesday 31 July 2013

South Americans have been using balsa for boat

Now to know more about balsa wood. These aircrafts are available in both gas and electrical form. But if you're searching for genuine enjoyable and exhilaration whereby you can create a model Radio controlled aircraft from a kit then thebalsa Remote control model airplane kits are the best for you. The kit is generally a comprehensive one meaning it includes all of the necessary equipment. Apart from the kit you only need to buy the covering substance, paint, and engine and radio equipment.
If you are completely new and think you will need aid in making the plane you can always seek advice from the book The simplest way to make Remote controlled airplanes by Carl Baer. There is certainly some component of truth in the proverb that building a model airplane from nothing and flying it is additional pleasurable and satisfying than ATF and RTF mixed. Let us just wish that the balsa Remote control model plane kits continue to be popular and the sales aren't totally taken above by the ATF and also the RTF.
Hobbyists may choose from balsa, basswood, plywood, walnut, cherry, maple, among others for their project needs. Sheets or strips of these fine woods are available in thicknesses from 1/32 " to one inch, and in widths from 1/16 through six inches. You may purchase either sheets or strips.
Balsa is the most versatile of the hobby woods. Native to South America, these sixty foot trees are grown on large plantations. The wood is lightweight and strong. South Americans have been using balsa for boat and raft building since antiquity. Anyone who can recall Thor Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki adventures will know of his successful attempt to reach the Polynesian Islands from South America on a balsa raft.
Balsa's fine grain combined with its strength and light weight have made it valuable for a great number of uses. Its heat retention ability has made it useful for insulating refrigerator and ship holds. It is used in aircraft to reduce vibration. Surfboards and life preservers have also been manufactured from balsa wood.The reklated article go to

Sunday 28 July 2013

Why is Balsa Wood so light?

How does Balsa Wood grow?
By this article to more about the balsa wood. There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. They grow singly or in very small, widely scattered groups in the jungle. For hundreds of years, balsa was actually considered a weed tree. They reproduce by growing hundreds of long seed pods, which eventually open up and, with the help of the wind, scatter thousands of new seeds over a large area of the jungle. Each seed is airborne on its own small wisp of down, similar to the way dandelion seeds spread. The seeds eventually fall to the ground and are covered by the litter of the jungle. There they lay and accumulate until one day there is an opening in the jungle canopy large enough for the sun's rays to strike the jungle floor and start the seeds growing. Wherever there is an opening, made either by a farmer or by another tree dying, balsa will spring up as thick as grass. A farmer is often hard put to keep his food plot clear of balsa rectangle . As the new balsa trees grow, the strongest will become predominate and the weaker trees will die. By the time they are mature, there may be only one or two basa trees to an acre of jungle.
The perfect nurse!
Nature evidently designed the balsa tree to be a "nurse tree" which would protect the sloweroeicoqmb -growing species of trees from the scorching jungle sun during their critical early years. For instance, in an area of the jungle that has been ravaged by a tropical storm or other natural disaster, the balsa trees will quickly sprout and begin to shoot up to impressive heights in a very short time. Their fast growth, and the extra large leaves they have in their early years, provide shade to the young seedlings of the slower-growing forest giants. By the time the seedlings are established enough to take care of themselves, the balsa tree is beginning to die. Undoubtably, the balsa tree's rapid growth, fast spreading crown of first very large and gradually smaller leaves, and it's relatively short life span were intended to make it the "perfect nurse" in the jungle ecosystem.
Why is Balsa Wood so light?
The secret to balsa wood's lightness can only be seen with a microscope. The cells are big and very thin walled, so that the ratio of solid matter to open space is as small as possible. Most woods have gobs of heavy, plastic-like cement, called lignin, holding the cells together. In balsa, lignin is at a minimum. Only about 40% of the volume of a piece of balsa is solid substance. To give a balsa tree the strength it needs to stand in the jungle, nature pumps each balsa cell full of water until they become rigid - like a car tire full of air. Green balsa wood typically contains five times as much water by weight as it has actual wood substance, compared to most hardwoods which contain very little water in relation to wood substance. Green bass polywood must therefore be carefully kiln dried to remove most of the water before it can be sold. Kiln drying is a tedious two week process that carefully removes the excess water until the moisture content is only 6%. Kiln drying also kills any bacteria, fungi, and insects that may have been in the raw balsa wood.

Friday 26 July 2013

There are different grains of balsa wood

balsa wood is a lightweight wood variety taken from trees of the same name that hail from the rainforests of Central America, South America, and a few other regions. The warm and humid conditions in these areas ta3zwdkv are ideal for the growth of this plant. Balsa trees grow quite rapidly – it usually takes less than a decade for a tree to be mature enough for cutting. However, once past the ten-year marker, an unharvested tree would harden on the outside and rot inside, rendering it a useless piece.
Initially, balsa wood was only taken from the forests. But due to wide consumer interests and the profitability of the industry, farmers have begun their own plantations. Ecuador is largely responsible for the world supply of the wood, followed by suppliers from India, Indonesia and the Caribbean.
Attributes of Balsa
In spite of its light weight, balsa wood has incredible strength. In fact, among all the lightweight wood varieties, balsa is considered to be the strongest. This is because each cell of the tree is naturally infused with water that makes it rigid enough to withstand the jungle setting. However, when pooled together with the rest of the wood varieties, balsa is only third or fourth in the strength category.
There are different grains of balsa wood, and each has attributes of its own. A-grain balsa lumber is the most flexible type. When immersed in water, it can easily be manipulated into the required forms and shapes. On the other hand, A-grain balsa changes very easily, affecting its life span. Balsa of the B-grain variety is the most readily available kind. This is the ideal type because B-grain balsa can be used for numerous purposes. Lastly, there is the C-grain balsa which can easily be recognized through the evident grain line patterns. Among the three grain types, C-grain balsa is the most brittle and warp-resistant.If you want to know more about balsa sheet , you can go to our wesite right now.

Thursday 25 July 2013

A easier way to build balsa wood glider

Now an article about designing balsa wood glider. Designing a balsa wood glider is similar to designing a full-sized glider and applies many of the same principles of flight. Specifically, the main design features the wing shape and size, the wing placement and the overall tail size. Balsa wood or heavy oak paper can be used. The balsa wood is heavier, so steps must be taken to conserve the model's weight. Balsa wood holds its form better and is easier to build parts with than paper.
Determine the wing shape and size. Use a simple rectangular nvktazrew shape for the wing configuration to reduce calculations. The shape also is important in determining the other dimensions to be designed for the glider.
Design the size of the horizontal stabilizer. Use the formula SH (the surface area of the horizontal stabilizer in cm.sq.) = 1.2 S (the main wing surface area in cm.sq.) times the chord length of the main wing in cm. divided by the DCG (the distance from the center of gravity to the horizontal stabilizer). The horizontal stabilizer is equal to the wing area times the chord and then divided by the distance from the center of gravity times 1.2. Plug your ideal numbers into this formula. The tail will probably be too big. The way to fix this is to reduce the wing chord and make the wings longer end to end to provide enough surface area. Try several sizes and experiment on glider dimensions and how it will appear when completed.
Design the vertical stabilizer. Use the equation SV = S times SP divided by DCG multiplied by .05, where S and DCG are the same as used in the above formula. SP = the wing span and SV = surface area of vertical stabilizers. You have calculated an area in cubic centimeters. Now convert that area to a nominal length times width. These values for the vertical stabilizer should be acceptable to the design.
Construct the glider using the values you have designed from the above formulas. Use a pen to draw the wings and stabilizers on balsa sheeting. Cut parts out from balsa sheeting.
Curve the wings slightly to take advantage of Bernoulli's principle of a lift over a curved airfoil. Brace the wings in a curved position overnight. Place curved wings on the top of the body, locating center of gravity so it is about a quarter of the total wing chord in from the leading edge. Add a dihedral of 5-15 degrees (wing ends are tipped up from body). Also, the wing angle of attack should be set at 2 degrees (pitched slightly forward). Glue wings to body in this position. Set aside to dry.
Glue the vertical and horizontal stabilizers as calculated in your design to the body. Mount these pieces flat without any up or down or right or left. Glue and set aside to dry.
Cut body size to fit model scale after addition of wings and stabilizers.By the way , we offer you large number of bass polywood  ,you can take a look.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

balsa wood is different from the other wood

All know that balsa wood is different from the other wood, but how much do you know about this kind wood.Because density of balsa wood is so important we now offer three grades of lktjic2do Balsa:
1) Medium Density balsa rectangle unselected: 10-19 pounds/cu.ft
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 10-19 pcf, with usual expected outliers. Distribution is a fairly broad normal curve with average near center of range. Piece-weight is calculated by dividing sheet weight by number of sticks/sheet. Not individually weighed.
2) High Density: mean density 21 pounds/cu.ft, nominal range 19 - 24 pcf
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 19-28 pcf. Distribution is a tight normal curve (small variance) sharply skewed to low end of range, with average = 21 pcf. Pieces are individually weighed. Higher weight and strength, greater stiffness.
3) Low Density: mean density 8 pcf; nominal range 6-10 pounds/cu.ft
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 6-10 pcf. Distribution is a tight normal curve (small variance) with average = approximately 8 pcf.
Pieces are individually weighed. Light weight, less stiffness.
Insider Tip: Balsa varies considerably in its density, for optimum results, each piece should be weighed to determine its suitability for use in a particular part of your structure.Buy the way the balsa round offered in our store are all with high quality and cheap price.

Buying Balsa Rc Model Airplane Kits In Right Way

balsa is a forest area in the lowlands of America that has a strong but extremely light wooden trees. They are generally used for making floats and rafts. It has been observed that Balsa as a materials is very superb for model plane construction. Firms for instance Guillows are a a famous producer of classic kits uses pieces that are manufactured from balsa wood. The dedicated parts such as fuselage forms and wing ribs are made of sheets of balsa although balsa strips make the remainder of the construction. Thin modeling grade balsa can also be employed inside certain key areas of a model plane vpthaumrg such as motor bulkheads and landing equipment plates. The primary reason behind the recognition of balsa as a material can be attributed to the indisputable truth that it's got a glorious bodyweight to power ratio.
The Balsa Remote control model airplane kits come with a plan that is usually organized on a flat board. You want to comply with the plan on every step to properly construct the plane and to attach the necessary parts like wings, tail, fuselage et al. Following this is total then comes the most significant process of addressing the components with a heat delicate plastic film. It is easy to attach the film onto the parts using an iron. The film sticks to the balsa with the assistance of an adhesive coating and this melts due to temperature. A heat gun is then used to decrease the size of the film. But that is a more modern tactic.
If you buy a conventional balsa model plane you will find it's protected with light tissue paper and banana oil. Nowadays you'll find this technique in individuals types that are replica of the vintage planes. In this way the model looks conventional too. With different times we have seen model airplanes being built from foam, plastic, fiberglass and lastly, balsa.
In the last 10 years approximately the fondness for Radio controlled RTF ( Prepared to fly ) and ARF ( Nearly prepared to fly ) have gone up solidly. NexStar Pick 46 is an extremely well liked model which has aided lure a lot of people into Remote control model plane flying. These aircrafts are available in both gas and electric form. But if you are trying to find real enjoyable and pleasure wherein you can actually develop a model Radio controlled aircraft from a kit then thebalsa RC model airplane kits are best for you. The kit is in general an all-inclusive one meaning it contains all the necessary components. In addition to the kit you only need to buy the covering materials, engine, and paint and radio gear.
If you're completely new and really feel that you will need support in creating the airplane you can always consult the book The simple way to make RC planes by Carl Baer. There exists some component of reality in the saying that developing a model airplane from scratch and flying it is much more enjoyable and gratifying than ATF and RTF combined. We pray that the balsa RC model plane kits continue to be favored and the sales aren't completely taken over by the ATF plus the RTF. For more, the related article comes from

Monday 22 July 2013

to choose the right type of balsa for a particular project

Doll houses and the miniature furniture that accompany them are also routinely made out of balsa. The same is true for stage furniture and other props. The other parts of the balsa tree are used for insulation, stuffing, sound-absorption and packing. How to Work with Balsa Before hacking into the wood, one must have a clear plan as to what the end product would be. When manipulating balsa, it is important to be careful because, as said earlier, its price is quite high, so waste is something to avoid. Another thing to bear in mind is to choose the right type of balsa for a particular project.
This will ensure the quality of the balsa  wood used for the endeavor. In order to manipulate balsa wood for whatever purpose, the necessary tools should be on hand. While it is relatively soft and easy to carve and shape, using the proper equipment would make the job more accurate. In addition, the wood is also quite expensive, and the chances of improper handling are lessened with the right gadgets. No need for power tools or saws - for the most part, four or five precision knives are all that is needed. It is also more convenient to keep replacement blades around. Sanding blocks are also necessary tools to smooth out the wood. The bottom line is that balsa wood is a great lightweight material of great strength that has many valuable uses and applications, it should be strongly considered when deciding upon your choice of wood.WHERE
Balsa trees grow naturally in the humid rain forests of Central and South b1giodhxr America. Its natural range extends south from Guatemala, through Central America, to the north and west coast of South America as far as Bolivia. However, the small country of Ecquador on the western coast of South America, is the primary source of model aircraft grade blasa in the world. Blasa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. The more related article comes from

Saturday 20 July 2013

Learning to make best balsa wood tower

According to the East Coast Model Center, balsa wood is among the lightest woods on the planet. Many people consider it to be a "friendly" wood; it is light, soft and easily worked. However, it is also incredibly strong for its weight. states that industrial uses for balsa wood include boat hulls, airplanes and land transportation. Engineering students frequently use this wood to build model structures and then test them for weight-bearing capacities. The best balsa wood tower designs incorporate some basic engineering principles.
Structural Shapes
The best balsa wood tower designs use basic structural shapes, such as triangles, whose firmness allows them to support weight in a secure fashion. Squares and other polygons can also be used in tower designs, but require support if they are to bear weight without twisting and giving way.
Joint Types
A good balsa wood tower design incorporates several types of joints to help increase its tensile strength. Butt joints are the simplest of joints as they simply consist of two members butted together and adhered with glue. They are also the weakest and need reinforcement. Lap joints, on the other hand, use an overlapping method to join two pieces of balsa wood or other material and offer greater stability. Using full wood outlines on the initial design can help determine which joints to use.
Symmetry is essential to an excellent balsa wood tower design. It is a good idea to form each one of the two main sides of a tower as they rest directly on top of one another. Placing wax paper between the sides can prevent glue from sticking to the other piece.
The best balsa wood tower designs require the sparing use of glue and other liquid adhesives. Many competitions require you to have your tower weighed, and excessive glue adds a considerable amount of additional mass to a tower. Do not use glue to fill gaps, and make sure all measurements are exact.
Tensile Strength
Pre-tests are important in determining good balsa wood tower designs. Balsa strips differ in weight-bearing strengths, or tensile strengths, and it is important to group similar pieces together. During the final assembly of the tower, the strongest pieces will be most suitable for the longest parts of the structure, while weaker pieces better support shorter portions.
The more related article comes from

Friday 19 July 2013

balsa wood is used to make high floating crankbaits

Crankbaits are used by anglers to attract both fresh and saltwater game fish species. From bass in a lake or pond to striped bass in the surf, top water crankbaits often provide exciting strikes as a fish breaks the water surface to strike the bait. balsa wood is used to make high floating crankbaits that perform well on the water surface. Making a balsa crankbait at home provides the opportunity for a custom-made lure.
Sand a three-inch balsa crankbait lure body with fine grit sandpaper. Use the sandpaper to smooth any rough areas on the lure, and open the grain for finishing.
Apply a coat of primer to the entire body of the lure with a hobby paint brush. Allow the primer to dry overnight, then lightly sand with the fine grit sandpaper.
Paint the balsa crankbait lure with enamel paint. Use a traditional half-red and half-white pattern or paint the lure to resemble a bait fish. Use hobby paint brushes to apply the paint. Allow each coat or color to dry thoroughly before continuing.
Set the balsa lure to the side and allow it to dry overnight. Spray the lure with clear coat sealant to add a protective coating to the painted lure.
Apply a drop of fast-dry glue to the threads of a screw-in eye. Insert one screw-in eye into the nose, belly and tail of the lure.
Place a split ring on each screw-in eye and a treble hook on the belly and tail. Use a pair of split-ring pliers to spread the split rings when attaching to the eye hooks and treble hooks.
The more related information comes from

Wednesday 17 July 2013

How to Make a Balsa Wood Glider for a Flight Challenge

balsa wood gliders are among the simplest of model airplanes. Many of our earliest aviators built gliders to learn about aerodynamics and gliders can teach you a lot too. But to build a high performance glider that can win competitions is remarkably challenging. To win an endurance flight contest you need to build a plane that is light and strong, features well-formed flying surfaces and is appropriate to your arm strength and abilities.
Find an appropriate plan. The glider you choose should be a proven design. Most plans include the original builder's best flight times on them. If you are a beginner, build a model suitable for beginners or you may have trouble making your plane perform. See References for archives of glider plans.
Create templates. Photocopy the plan and glue it to a piece of tag board. Cut out each part separately.
Place your templates on the appropriate sheets of balsa according to the plan. Trace around each part with sharp pencil. Cut out the parts with a modeling knife. Don't press too hard with the knife. Instead, take several passes to cut through thick balsa.
Sand the flying surfaces. Sand the tail pieces smooth and then "feather" or taper to the edges. Sand the wing surfaces to the airfoil shape provided on the plan.
Create dihedral. The wing pieces will fit together at angles which force the wingtips vtgpqhzlegz to be above the center of the wing. This is called dihedral and gives the plane stability. To create a proper dihedral joint, sand the edge of the wing part with a sanding block, propping the wing part at the proper angle with a block.
Assemble the plane and glue pieces together. To keep the plane's weight down, use as little glue as possible to create strong joints. Use weights to hold pieces firmly together until the glue dries.
Apply sanding sealer. Sanding sealer will give the plane a smooth surface which will help improve performance. Brush on a light coat of sanding sealer, sand the plane with fine sandpaper, brush on another coat and sand lightly again.
Spray paint the wingtips a fluorescent orange color so that when your plane disappears into bushes or long grass you will be able to find it. Use a light coat of paint to save weight.
Balance the plane. The plan should provide a center of gravity. Weight the nose of the plane until it balances when you hold it at its center of gravity.
Test fly and trim the plane. Glide the plane gently. Adjust the tail surfaces by gently bending them until you achieve a flat glide that curves gently to the right or left.
Trim the plane for endurance flying. Try launching the plane up and into the wind. It should rise sharply, recover near the top of its climb and fly in a circle back to the ground. Adjust the flight surfaces and balance until you achieve an ideal flight. See References for tips.
If you want to know more about the lightweight balsa wood, the related article comes from our website .

Tuesday 16 July 2013

balsa wood is used to make tower model

According to the East Coast Model Center, balsa wood is among the lightest woods on the planet. Many people consider it to be a "friendly" wood; it is light, soft and easily worked. However, it is also incredibly strong for its weight. states that industrial uses for balsa wood include boat hulls, airplanes and land transportation. Engineering students frequently use this wood to build model structures and then test them for weight-bearing capacities. The best balsa wood tower designs incorporate some basic engineering principles.
Structural Shapes
The best balsa wood tower designs use basic structural shapes, such as triangles, whose firmness allows them to support weight in a secure fashion. Squares and other polygons can also be used in tower designs, but require support if they are to bear weight without twisting and giving way.
Joint Types
A good balsa wood tower design incorporates several types of joints to ktjcdalkd help increase its tensile strength. Butt joints are the simplest of joints as they simply consist of two members butted together and adhered with glue. They are also the weakest and need reinforcement. Lap joints, on the other hand, use an overlapping method to join two pieces of balsa wood or other material and offer greater stability. Using full wood outlines on the initial design can help determine which joints to use.
Symmetry is essential to an excellent balsa wood tower design. It is a good idea to form each one of the two main sides of a tower as they rest directly on top of one another. Placing wax paper between the sides can prevent glue from sticking to the other piece.
The best balsa wood tower designs require the sparing use of glue and other liquid adhesives. Many competitions require you to have your tower weighed, and excessive glue adds a considerable amount of additional mass to a tower. Do not use glue to fill gaps, and make sure all measurements are exact.
Tensile Strength
Pre-tests are important in determining good balsa wood tower designs. Balsa strips differ in weight-bearing strengths, or tensile strengths, and it is important to group similar pieces together. During the final assembly of the tower, the strongest pieces will be most suitable for the longest parts of the structure, while weaker pieces better support shorter portions.
The realted article comes from

leaning to design balsa wood glider step by step

Designing a Balsa wood glider is similar to designing a full-sized glider and applies many of the same principles of flight. Specifically, the main design features the wing shape and size, the wing placement and the overall tail size. Balsa wood or heavy oak paper can be used. The balsa wood is heavier, so steps must be taken to conserve the model's weight. Balsa wood holds its form better and is easier to build parts with than paper. (See Reference )
Determine the wing shape and size. Use a simple rectangular shape for the wing configuration to reduce calculations. The shape also is important in determining the other dimensions to be designed for the glider.
Design the size of the horizontal stabilizer. Use the formula SH (the surface area of the horizontal stabilizer in cm.sq.) = . S (the main wing surface area in cm.sq.) times the chord length of the main wing in cm. divided by the DCG (the distance from the center of gravity to the horizontal stabilizer). The horizontal stabilizer is equal to the wing area times the chord and then divided by the distance from the center of gravity times .. Plug your ideal numbers into this formula. The tail will probably be too big. The way to fix this is to reduce the wing chord and make the wings longer end to end to provide enough surface area. Try several sizes and experiment on glider dimensions and how it will appear when completed.
Design the vertical stabilizer. Use the equation SV = S times SP divided by DCG multiplied by ., where S and DCG are the same as used in the above formula. SP = the wing span and SV = surface area of vertical stabilizers. You have calculated an area in cubic centimeters. Now convert that area to a nominal length times width. These values for the vertical stabilizer should be acceptable to the design.
Construct the glider using the values you have designed from the above formulas. Use a pen to draw the wings and stabilizers on balsa sheeting. Cut parts out from balsa sheeting.
Curve the wings slightly to take advantage of Bernoulli's principle of a lift over a curved airfoil. Brace the wings in a curved position overnight. Place curved wings on the top of the body, locating center of gravity so it is about a quarter of the total wing chord in from the leading edge. Add a dihedral of - degrees (wing ends are tipped up from body). Also, the wing angle of attack should be set at degrees (pitched slightly forward). Glue wings to body in this position. Set aside to dry.
Glue the vertical and horizontal stabilizers as calculated in your design to the body. Mount these pieces flat without any up or down or right or left. Glue and set aside to dry.
Cut body size to fit model scale after addition of wings and stabilizers.
By the way we offer you large amounts of balsa wood  with different shapes and size, if you want to know more, to visite our website right now.

Monday 15 July 2013

Balsa wood is a unique material used in modeling

Balsa wood is a unique material used in modeling and physics-based competitions. It has surprisingly high strength, compared to its light weight and low cost. This makes it ideal for school science projects, or home use in model tower building.
Diagram the tower using the grid paper to give you scale: one grid square represents square inch, for example. Start with the base of your structure, making it wide to keep the center of gravity low. Design the exterior structure. If you are competing, don't forget the rules of the competition, but feel free to brainstorm a little. If you are making a model of an existing tower, keep some reference photos handy. When you have a design you like, make diagrams for several angles of the design--at least a front, side and three-quarters-rotation view.
Use the diagram to figure out how forces, like gravity and competition weights, will push or pull on the tower, and imagine how that will stress the various parts of the tower. Add a system of supports to counteract this: most buildings are built in layers with a series of triangular trusses that hold the structure together.
Measure, mark and cut the base pieces for your structure. Miter them if you can, this will give more surface area to glue and make the structure hold together more cleanly. Don't mash the wood as you cut; this will damage the fibers of the wood and make the structure weaker.
Glue the pieces together. Hold them together until the glue is dry.
Measure and cut the next layer of pieces. Glue them onto the base, and hold until dry. Repeat this process until you have built the tower. If you find a weakness while building, add a strut as necessary, but stick to your diagram as much as possible.
Leave the tower to dry overnight. Test it with a light weight, to see if the glue is holding. If the structure has any damage, repair it and find ways to strengthen it.
At last, if you want to know more ,you can visit our website blog here:

Saturday 13 July 2013

Crafting rubber band balsa model airplanes

Crafting rubber band model airplanes can both challenge your craftsmanship and teach you about flight aerodynamics. Build your plane with lightweight materials such as Balsa wood to make your plane soar. When you are finished building, simply grasp the plane by the motor stick and twist the large rubber band. Let go of the stick and the band simultaneously. When the rubber band is released, it will unwind rapidly, which will spin the propeller and launch the plane into the air. The project may take time and patience, but the hard work pays off when you take your plane for its first flight.
Cut out three pieces of balsa wood measuring / inch by inches for the motor stick and wing edges. Measure and cut out five more pieces from the wood that are / inch by inches for the wing center and tips, as well as the fin support and winglets. Shape three more pieces of balsa wood into pieces measuring / inch by / inch for the winglet supports and wing shim.
Cut out two additional pieces of balsa wood, / inch by inches, to make the motor stick support and tail support. Create the wing handle by cutting out a piece of wood / inch by inches. Make the propeller by crafting a piece of balsa wood that is / inch by inches.
Cut out two pieces of tissue paper measuring by inches for the wing and tail of your airplane.
Burn a hole in the center of the propeller using the flame-heated tip of a paper clip. Bend the paper clip until a small portion of it forms a 0-degree angle with the front of the propeller. On the other side of the propeller, fold the clip into a small square.
Place one wing edge on the center of the wing and glue it down. Glue the wing tips to the wing edges. Put pressure on the wing tips and attach them to the paper and wing edge.
Place the wing in a horizontal position on a flat surface. Center one wing edge at the top of the wing. Glue the wing edge down.
Apply glue to the wing center and place it vertically on the wing edge, securing it to the paper. Use glue to attach the winglet supports to the winglets. Position the winglets on top of the wing tips. The support should face the inside of the wing. Glue the winglets and support to the wing.
Place glue on the bottom part of the motor stick and attach the stick to the right side of the tail. Then put more glue on the fin support and place it on the top of the tail. The edge of the fin support should be touching the motor stick. Remove tissue from the corner of the support to the corner of the stick.
Break a toothpick in two equal pieces. Lay one on top of the fin support and glue it there. Glue the motor stick support to the motor stick about / inch from the end of the stick. Then glue the tail support to the top of the tail tissue. The edge of the tail support should be in line with the tail edge. Remove any extra material. Apply glue to the toothpick and along the motor stick. Place the tail on top of the motor stick. The tail's free edge should line up with the end of the stick.
Glue the other wing edge to the bottom of the wing, forming a rectangular shape with the winglets. Remove excess material. Glue the wing handle on top of the wing center at the center of the wing handle. Center a wing shim over the wing handle and attach the shim to the bottom of the wing edge, beneath the tissue. Apply a layer of glue to the winglets and fold the tissue up. Remove tissue between the corner of the winglet and the wing tips.
Apply the rubber band to the assembled plane. Attach one end of it to the propeller square. Place a smaller rubber band over the motor stick, situating the wing on top of the motor stick, in front of the rubber band. The end of the smaller band should go along the bottom edge of the wing. Hook the end of the rubber band to the wing handle. Make a notch in the center of the motor stick, and fit the square of the propeller into the notch. For more you can visit our webiste:

Thursday 11 July 2013

How to Make a Balsa Wood Plane Go Faster

Following you will know more about the Balsa wood. Many elementary and middle school age children build balsa wood planes for science class. Constructing a plane teaches children about physics and engineering principles. In fact, a basic balsa wood plane can be customized to move faster than the standard store bought nvnwzhiq kits. The basic plane components can have added features, such as a propeller, and a streamlined shape for fast operation. Sand the upper and lower surfaces of the balsa wood plane's wings with sandpaper. Create a thinner wing for reducing drag during flight.
Sand the front edge of each wing into a smooth curve using sandpaper. The smooth curve will allow a more streamlined movement for the passing air during flying maneuvers.
Remove any unnecessary accessories from the plane, such as decorative under-wing engines. Any protruding items without any functionality impede air flow, causing the plane to move more slowly in the air.
Add a propeller to the plane's front nose with a nail and hammer. Verify that the propeller spins freely after installation. The propeller provides the necessary thrust to move faster in the air.
Verify that all screws securing the plane's fuselage and wings are tightly screwed in with a screwdriver. Any loose screws will cause the plane to wobble, generating drag and possibly warping the flying direction.
Test the plane's flight by launching it into the air. Add weight to the plane if the air flow is too strong and causes the plane to fly out of control. Small pieces of wood can be glued to the plane's fuselage for additional weight to stabilize the flying action.
At last , if you want to know know more about balsa facts and balsa model information ,you can visit our website in news.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

working principles of the balsa wood glider

There are various kinds of wood both in domestic and international markets. And balsa wood is outstanding for its lightweight, easy to work with, affordable and so forth. Balsa wood can be classified into different grains. Generally, the working principles of the balsa wood glider or aircraft is similar or same with the actual aircrafts actually. And the balsa plane is very popular among kids, especially among boys. But do you know how to fly your plans easily and effectively?
First of all, you'd better choose a slope since it will give you a force when you run down. It will make it easier to fly your plane actually.
Second, you are advised to pinch the balsa wood between the forefinger and thumb so the fingers are underneath the airplane. You'd better hold the airplane just behind the nose actually. Cock your arm back to just behind the head and push the aircraft forward. Use the push motion, then loosen the pinch instead of jerking or throwing the aircraft when your arm is extended almost all the way in front of your body.
Third, check. You should push the wing further to the right and vise versa if the airplane flies to the left. Well, move the weight slightly down on the nose if your balsa wood aircraft pitches up nose first.
Fourth, pinch the plane with your thumb and forefinger and keep your opposite hand's forefinger on the prop to keep it from unwinding. Twist the propeller 12 to 24 times and watch the rubber band shorten and get wider with the wrapped coils. You can hold the plane at the shoulder height and push it forward. To ensure the straight flight, you can achieve it by adjusting the wings actually.

There are various kinds of balsa aircrafts both in domestic and international markets, however, it is similar to fly them actually. And the balsa airplane can be made by yourself. You are advised to choose the superior balsa wood if you expect it fly better. Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website:

It is easy for you after you to color stain balsa wood

Have you tried to color a balsa wood before? In this article,I will introduce the basic ways during coloring. It is indeed an interesting matter for us to do at the free time. With the suggested steps,you are more likely to be informed and understand. It is easy for you after you read the text.
Firstly,you should prepare the necessary materials followed. Such as acrylic paint, brushes,which is sized according to your project. Then you will need a container for water and a paint tray. This is a great chance to use recycled items such as the lid to a plastic container as seen in the photos. Next is the wood project which is ready to be color stained. And a blotting cloth is also required. When you prepared these tools,you can go on the first step.
You can start with water. That is adding enough water to more than cover the area you wish to stain. If the finished color does not come out as dark as you would like you can always add a second coat to darken the color when the first coat dries. And then mixing color stains. Colors can be mixed directly in the paint tray. This is a good way to conserve on paint if you understand color mixing and the basics of a color wheel. When all of the colors are added at about the same time,which are wet or damp,you can get the colors and the result as you designed. It might be that you prefer to have control of the color stain and want to place it in exact locations on your project. If that is the case, make sure the stain is dry.
when you understand the above steps,you should practice your technique for many times. You can add wonderful flare with this basic technique. With a bit of practice you can blend and mix colors on wood and allow the wood grain to show through with great satisfaction for the end result. different woods have different grains. Some wood is harder to stain than others. This is where practice makes perfect for your next color stained wood project. Experiment and have fun crafting.If you want to know more about balsa wood, you can visit our website:

Monday 8 July 2013

How To Use Tissue Paper To Cover The Balsa Model

Balsa wood is a lightweight wood used by many modelers for its high strength-to-weight ration and bkqsfahq the ease with which it is worked. Balsa is used in many common modeling applications from bridge and tower building for engineering contests to remote-controlled model aircraft bodies. While balsa is well suited for building frames for models the frames need to be covered in order to complete the look of the model. A widely used covering technique involves placing a skin on the models made of tissue paper. Using tissue paper retains the lightness of the model while creating a model cover that can be easily painted, completing the look of your model.
Remove any rough spots on the surface of the model to be covered with the tissue paper using the sandpaper.
Lay a sheet of tissue paper onto a flat surface large enough to cover a side of the model. Place the model on the center of the paper and trace a line one-quarter inch around the model's edge. Remove the model and then cut along the line traced into the tissue. This tissue will serve as the covering skin for that portion of your model.
Use a paintbrush to brush the model with the adhesive where the tissue will be placed. Apply the adhesive lightly, as too much will soak the wood, causing warping. Brush all areas where the adhesive will be placed, not just that of the cut tissue. Wait 2 hours for the adhesive to dry on the balsa surface.
Spray the tissue with a light mist of water. The tissue should be slightly damp to the touch, but not wet. Place the damp tissue onto the model, with the extra tissue falling over the edges. Using the paintbrush, brush a light layer of adhesive over the tissue where it meets the wood surface beneath. Fold the overhanging tissue along the sides of the model and brush the overhanging tissue with the adhesive as well. Because the tissue is damp, the adhesive will combine with the water and bind to the already placed layer of adhesive dried onto the model. Wait another 2 hours for the tissue and adhesive to dry and then repeat the process to cover the remainder of the model. The drying tissue shrinks onto the model, creating a smooth surface suitable for painting.
Tips & Warnings
The clear dope adhesive emits fumes that can be dangerous when breathed for long lengths of time. The covering process should be completed only in a ventilated area.If you want to know more about balsa information , you can visit our website:

balsa wood is much stronger than the soft wood

As we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa wood is one of the most popular woods both in domestic and international markets for many of its advantages. It can be used to make modles, like the RC model since it is lightweight, soft and easy to cut and work with. The wood's cells are large with thin walls. Altough the balsa wood is lightweight and soft, it is much stronger than the soft wood. It is popular partly because it can bear the stresses of models.
It is an optional choice to paint your RC model after your making. However, painting it will give it a better look actually. Generally speaking, it is easy for you to paint it. Don't worry if you never paint it before since we will give you a brief introduction here. You are advised to read the following steps carefully.
First of all, you should prepare drop cloths, clean cloth, sandpaper, sealant, paint brushes, white primer, paint and the painter's tape before your work. You are advised to paint your model in a bright area since you need to paint and see the plane model from all angles. Bright areas will avoid the shadows actually. You may add a layer of clear coat paint after the paint has dried if you want to have a glossy appearance.
Second, you should lay out drop cloths under your completed RC model. Choosing the drop cloths with proper size in accordance with your model size. You can lay the cloth on the top of your table actually.
Third, sand it. Use a 80-grit sandpaper to sand the surface of the balsa wood. Use a clean cloth to wipe away the excess wood dust. As we all know that, before painting, we should clean the surface of the objects that we will paint to achieve a better effect actually.
Fourth, use a clean paint brush to prime the RC model. Apply a coat of white primer to it and the function of the primer is to make the paint adhere well to the plane and not peel off. Then you should paint it with your expected or favorite colors. Apply another color until the previous color has dried. You may need the painter's tape to obtain straight lines. Remove your tape after all the works having been done.

Saturday 6 July 2013

balsa wood sheets vary in thickness

There are various kinds of balsa wood both in domestic and international markets for your selection. And balsa sheet may be required when you make models, like wood aircraft. You'd better create a balsa skin by joining sheets together. However, it requires patience and techniques though it seems quite easy. Your patience and techniques determine your working results actually.
Frankly speaking, balsa wood sheets vary in thickness. It is not a good choice to join countless sheets together at random. You may spend time to match thicknesses and the direction of the bend. Otherwise, you can't ensure the balsa wood skin you provide is perfect or just qualified.
Then, you should press sheets together on a table. You'd better use a razor blade and a straightedge but not a knife to trim the affected edge if the gap is bad. Generally, only the razor blade has the sharp quality that you need. You may use a sandpaper to sand the balsa sheet carefully after you cutting it. It is not necessary to use the razor if the gap between two sheets is minor since a long sanding block is proper.
There are various kinds of glues both in domestic and international markets. You are advised to choose the lacquer masking tape to tape sheets together. Apply the tape in short strips with gaps between, then fill the gaps with more tape. Turn over the balsa skin you've created with the sheets. Keep the first sheet on the table and let the rest hang from the edge. Well, it opens up the first join and you should glue along the join with glue. Pull your sheet onto the table as far as the next join and fill it with glue. Now, you see, you should repeat the process until you glue all the joins. Then use a knife to remove the excess glue.
It may cost two hours for the glue to dry. You should remove the tape and ensure that there is no tape residue on the balsa skin. There will be a warp on the finished skin of the balsa sheet. Don't worry. You can spray some ammonia water to restore the original shape.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood and balsa sheet. We have great reputation among consumers for our high quality and dependable credibility. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website:

Friday 5 July 2013

simple method to grow balsa tree

Balsa tree mainly lives in Central America and South America. It grows very fast and it loves the warm and humid living condition. It requires the tropical climates, like high levels of humidity and heat. Different from the common trees, it can reach mature within few months. Here we will introduce the simple method to grow balsa tree.
First of all, you should prepare balsa tree seeds, 4-inch biodegradable pot, potting soil, pencil, drip tray, gravel, plastic wrap, shovel and so forth.
Second, prepare a 4-inch biodegradable pot with potting soil in early spring. Scatter 4 or 5 seeds over the top of the soil. Press the seeds into the soil by using pencil or your fingers. Insert seeds to a depth about 3 times their diameter, and press the soil over the seeds gently.
Third, use a single layer of small gravel to cover the bottom of your drip tray. Set your biodegradable pot on the gravel. Apply a thin stream of water over the surface of the soil in the pot until a few drops of moisture emerge from the bottom of the pot. Place the pot in a location that receives at least 8 hours of sunlight. Add water to the drip tray to keep the soil evenly moist. When the seeds begin to emerge from the soil or when you can see the bud, you should remove the plastic wrap actually.
Fourth, after the balsa tree produce its second set of leaves, you should thin the young seedlings. Pinch off the stems of all but the strongest seedling, leaving just one balsa plant in your pot. Choose a place for your balsa tree that provides good drainage. You can loosen the soil in your selected site by using a shovel to a depth of about 12 to 18 inches. Dig a hole with the same depth as your biodegradable pot. Set the whole pot in the hole and scoop the backfill around the edges.
Fifth, it is better to water it regularly since balsa tree tend to love humid environment. Remove the broken or overgrown branches to avoid introducing fungal and bacterial diseases.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Balsa Wood Can Make Various House Model

There are various kinds of wooden models and crafts both in domestic and international markets. And balsa wood is one of the ideal choices to make modles or crafts since it is soft, lightweight and easy to work with. Designing a balsa wood house model will be a fun and interesting work and there is also many people who are interested in doing it actually. Comparing with plastic or other material, balsa wood can give a look like varnished oak. Here we will tell you how to make DIY balsa wood house model.
First of all, prepare what you will need, like 1/2-inch balsa wood, felt, sandpaper, wood putty, wood screws, clay mold and so foth.
Second, sketch the original wooden house. You can draw your expected house model down on the paper. Ensure that you can take perspective sketches from different angles and sides from above, within and in front of the house actually. Draw it details as detailed as possible. And decide on a scale for the model.
Third, you should break the balsa wood house model into different sections. One section should be the outside walls and each room should be a different section. You can design the inside of the building and add the exterior as you like.
Fourth, saw a 1/2 inch piece of balsa wood for a base board. Saw the balsa wood carefully to make an ideal base board.
Fifth, cover the base board with felt, sandpaper or construction paper to recreate grass or other ground textures. To cover the board to make the flower, garden or grass to make your balsa wood model house more beautiful and vivid.
Sixth, use the glue you have prepared to glue 3 or other yard equipment to the balsa wood surface to make the yard for your model house. You can put the miniature flowers or trees which can be bought at crafts stores in your back or front yard to enhance the beauty and elegance of your model house.
Seventh, saw pieces of balsa wood to scale for the house. The typical external wall of a model house will be ten inches wide and five inches high. Secure the walls and roof in the place with wood screws. Use the wood putty to cover the screw heads. Then mold clay figurines for the home's residents and place them on the balsa wood board. Then you will get your expected balsa wood model house.
Frankly speaking, you can choose balsa wood from Shanghia Synhong since we are one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website:

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Knowing The Three Balsa Grain Types

In selecting Balsa sheets for use in your model, it is important to consider the way the grain runs through the sheet as well as the weight of the sheet. The grain direction actually controls the rigidity or flexibility of a balsa sheet more than the density does. For example, if the sheet is cut from the log so that the tree's annular rings run across the thickness of the sheet (A-grain, tangent cut), then the sheet will be fairly flexible edge to edge. In fact, after soaking in water some tangent cut sheets can be completely rolled into a tube shape without splitting.
If on the other hand the sheet is cut with the annular rings running through the thickness of the sheet (C-grain, quarter grain), the sheet will be very rigid edge to edge and cannot be bent without splitting. When the grain direction is less clearly defined (B-grain, random cut), the sheet will have most intermediate properties between A and C grain. Naturally, B-grain is the most common and is suitable for most jobs. The point to bear in mind is that whenever you come across pure A-grain or C-grain sheets, learn where to use them to take best advantage of their special characteristics.
A-GRAIN sheet balsa has long fibers that show up as long grain lines. It is very flexible across the sheet and bends around curves easily. Also warps easily. Sometimes called "tangent cut." DO use for sheet covering rounded fuselages and wing leading edges, planking fuselages, forming tubes, strong flexible spars, HL glider fuselages. DON'T use for sheet balsa wings or tail surfaces, flat fuselage sides, ribs, or formers.
B-GRAIN sheet balsa has some of the qualities of both type A and type C. Grain lines are shorter than type A, and it feels stiffer across the sheet. It is a general puropse sheet and can be used for many jobs. Sometimes called "random cut." DO use for flat fuselage sides, trailing edges, wing ribs, formers, planking gradual curves, wing leading edge sheeting. DON'T use where type A or type C will do a significantly better job.
C-GRAIN sheet balsa has a beautiful mottled appearance. It is very stiff across the sheet and spits easily. But when used properly, it helps to build the lightest, strongest models. Most warp resistant type. Sometimes called "quarter grain." DO use for sheet balsa wings and tails, flat fuselage sides, wing ribs, formers, trailing edges. Best type for HL glider wings and tails. DON'T use for curved planking, rounded fuselages, round tubes, HL glider fuselages, or wing spars.

Monday 1 July 2013

Maybe you are familiar with balsa wood

Maybe you are familiar with balsa wood if you are interested in making models or other artifact. But do you know how to choose the right grain of balsa wood to complete your project? If you are using the same type of balsa during the producing process, I'm afraid that the flexibility or stability of the model is not qualified.
A-grain is cut at tangents to the growth rings and that's why it is know as a tangent cut as well. This type of balsa wood is flexible and easy to deal with. However, its strength limits its use. It is not suitable to bear much pressure but it is able to be used make the items which need more flexibility, such as spars, fuselages and forming tubes.
On the contrary, C-grain is cut sliced off at a perpendicular angle to the growth rings. This type of balsa wood is strong and stiff enough to bear certain pressure. But the lack of flexibility makes it easy to break while being bent or carving. It can be used to make wing trailing edges, wing ribs, fuselage sides and fuselage formers.
B-grain is cut at a angle between A-grain and C-grain. This type of balsa wood is not suggest to be used if the project requires essential qualities. It can attain the features of A-grain while the other end attains the characteristics of C-grain, and that's why it is difficult to deal with. If you want to know more information about the grades of balsa wood, welcome to visit our website: