Friday 30 August 2013

Knowing the nature of balsa

The logging team usually consists of two native Ecquadorians, each armed with a broad Spanish axe, a machete, and a long pole sharpened like a chisel on one end for removing the bark from the downed trees. Because of the hilly terrain, an ox team may only be able to drag two logs to the river per day. At the saw mill the raw balsa is first rough cut into large boards, the carefully kiln dried, and finally packed into bales for shipment to the U.S. via ocean freighter.
Final cutting and finishing of our model aircraft balsa is done right here at the SIG factory. As a result of the balsa tree's fast growth cycle, both the quality and lightness of the lumber obtained from a balsa tree can vary enormously depending upon the tree's age at the time of cutting.Most hobby shops have a large rack of balsa sheets, sticks, and blocks that you can choose from if you are going to build a model airplane from scratch.
Undoubtably, because of the nature of balsa, the actual weight of each piece of wood of the same size can vary slightly. When you select the pieces you want to buy, you keep their final use in mind. Logically one should select the lightest grades for the lightly stressed model parts (nose blocks, wingtip blocks, fill-ins, etc.), and the heavier grades for important load bearing parts of the structure (spars, fuselage stringers, etc.). To a large extent, this selection is already partly done for you. Here at SIG, we purposely cut up our lightest raw balsa into sticks. Sheets are cut in the entire wide range of density.
Balsa trees grow naturally in the humid rain forests of Central and South America. Its natural range extends south from Guatemala, through Central America, to the north and west coast of South America as far as Bolivia. However, the small country of Ecquador on the western coast of South America, is the primary source of model aircraft grade blasa in the world. Blasa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. For that reason, the best stands of balsa usually appear on the high ground between tropical rivers. Ecquador has the ideal geography and climate for growing balsa trees. The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities. In Ecquador it is known as Boya, meaning buoy.
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Thursday 29 August 2013

Hardwood mahogany, Maple and Oak

One of the great furniture woods, mahogany (also called Honduran mahogany) has a reddish-brown to deep-red tint, a straight grain, medium texture, and a hardness of around 2 on a scale of 1 to 5. It takes stain very well and looks great with just a coat (or 10) of oil.Here to know more about balsa wood, which is the softest wood in the world.
The only drawback is that mahogany isn't being grown in sustainable forests. Forget going to your home center to get some — the only place to find mahogany is a decent lumberyard (and it'll cost you).
Maple comes in two varieties: hard and soft. Both varieties are harder than many other woods; hard maple is so hard (a 5 on a scale of 1 to 5) that it's difficult to work with. Soft maple, on the other hand, is relatively easy to work with. Because of their fine, straight grain, both varieties are more stable than many other woods. They also tend to be less expensive than other hardwoods. You won't find maple at your local home center, but most lumberyards have a good selection of it.
Oak is one of the most used woods for furniture. Available in two varieties — red and white — oak is strong (hardness of about 4 on a scale of 1 to 5) and easy to work with. White oak is preferred for furniture-making because it has a more attractive figure than red oak. White oak is also resistant to moisture and can be used on outdoor furniture.
This is one wood that can be found quarter-sawn (the most stable cutting option available). In fact, quarter-sawn white oak is less expensive than some other hardwoods, like cherry. The grain has a beautiful "ray flake" pattern to it. Red oak can be found at most home centers, but if you want white oak, make a trip to the lumberyard.
For more, are you also interested in balsa block , you can take a more information in our website .

Tuesday 27 August 2013

how to form fiberglass panel with balsa wood?

To use balsa wood as the core of your fiberglass panel is the best way to make it as light as possible. Fiberglass panel is made with fiberglass matting that uses a core material for structural support actually. Do you know how to form fiberglass panel with balsa wood? Here we will give you a brief introduction.
First of all, prepare things that you will require during working process. For example, you should prepare balsa wood sheet, hobby knife or utility knife, sandpaper, clean cloth, fiberglass matting, scissors, fiberglass resin, brush and so forth. You are advised to wear a face mask to prevent breathing the fumes when mixing the resin. Wear a respiration when you are sanding the fiberglass and breathe the fine particles produced is very dangerous actually.
you should use a tape measure to measure the balsa sheet to the dimensions you will require. Use a pencil to mark your cut marks and cut it according to your required size. You can use a utility knife or hobby knife.
use sandpaper to sand the surface of the balsa wood smoothly and wipe off the sanding dust with a clean cloth.
measure the fiberglass mating to about 1/2 the width of the balsa wood. Use scissors to cut a piece of matting to the size. Cut a 7 pieces fiberglass matting by repeating this step actually.
lay 2 strips of fiberglass matting on one side of the balsa wood. Overlap fzbmcihlwd one edge of the matting by 2 inches. Add the hardener to the fiberglass resin and mix according to the instructions. Use the brush to pour the fiberglass resin onto the matting and smooth with the brush. Allow the first coat to set for about half an hour. Add 1 or or more coats of resin as the same method.
expose the wood side of the panel to turn the balsa wood panel over. Lay two or more strips of fiberglass matting over the wood and overlap one edge. Mix the resin and brush it on the matting. Repeat this step to apply one to two more coats and allow the fiberglass resin to dry naturally. Then use sandpaper to sand the surface of the panel smooth.
Here to know more about balsa round , And this article comes from website .

Friday 23 August 2013

Hardwood vs Softwood Density Information For You

On an average, hardwood is of higher density and hardness than softwood, but there is considerable variation in actual wood hardness in both groups; some hardwoods (e.g., balsa) are softer than most softwoods; on the other hand, yew is an example of a hard softwood.If you are also intereted in balsa wood, you can go to our website.
Trees that provide hardwoods have broad leaves and enclosed nuts or seeds such as acorns. They often grow in subtropical regions like Africa and also in Europe and other regions such as Asia.
Softwood and Hardwood Species
Hardwood species are more varied than softwood. There are about a hundred times as many hardwood species as softwoods.
Composition of Hardwood and Softwood
Softwoods contain more glucomannans than hardwoods, while hardwoods contain more xylans. Hardwoods are generally not safe but far more resistant to decay than softwoods when used for exterior work. However, solid hardwood joinery czmcihlwd is expensive compared to softwood and most “hardwood” doors, for instance, now consist of a thin veneer bonded to MDF.
Know more about balsa sheet in our website , and you can use these softwood to make models, such as airplane, glider,or even bridge. This article comes from .

Thursday 22 August 2013

The classification of wood here for you

understand the degree of warmth and beauty that it brings to our everyday décor. Furniture made of wood is one of the few things in the world that all people can own and know that they are the only person in the world who owns that particular grain pattern and its inherent beauty. Each grain pattern is a unique masterpiece of design, texture and splendor. Even what some may view as a defect, like a knot or other natural blemishes, can add more beauty and character to any given piece of furniture.
The classification of wood has historically always been either hard wood; any leaf bearing tree, and soft wood; any cone bearing tree. These terms can be confusing You may also want to know the info about the softwood balsa . Here to know more. since some leaf bearing trees can have very soft wood and some coniferous trees can have very hard woods. To make this easier, below you will find a list of different tree types, classification and then individual wood characteristics.
There are two basic wood grades. Select lumber is excellent quality for xzmcdhlwd  use when appearance and finishing are important and common lumber that has defects used for construction and general-purpose projects. The grades of the select lumber are: B and Better grade, which has minute or no blemishes; C Select grade which has some minor defects such as small knots; D select grade that has larger imperfections, which can be concealed by paint. The grades of common lumber are No. 1 grade containing tight knots and few blemishes. No. 2 grade that has more and larger knots and blemishes. No. 3 grade that has loose knots, knotholes, and other flaws. No. 4 grade that is low quality and No. 5 grade where the appearance is not important.
Here to know more about balsa round, article resource: .

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Another method to bend the balsa wood

Do you know how to bend balsa wood without destroying it? Even the balsa wood is endowed with the flexibility, you need to be careful while you need to bend it or shape the wood in a certain shape. The balsa wood is the favourite material which could be used to make models. Compared with the metal, it is more flexible. But unlike the metal which could be bent or circled as the requirements, you would have to take a few steps to make the balsa wood more flexible before bending it.
There are several methods could be used. One of the popular methods is trying to changing the moisture contained in the balsa wood. Generally, the moisture is spread uniformly in the wood. But while you heat some parts of the balsa wood, the moisture would decrease. You could light a candle to heat the wood. Pay attention to the distance between the wood and the fire. The space should not be too close or you would burn the wood and it should not be too far or the heat would not influence the moisture. With the decreasing of the moisture, the balsa wood would bend itself to the suitable radian.
Another method to bend the balsa wood is soaking the wood into the certain chemical liquid. There are several types of chemical liquids you could search on the Internet. But I would not recommend you to choose this method. Although this method is much easier and it is not in need of so much attention as compared with the first method, the liquid may release some scents which will make you comfortable. Besides, the balsa wood may be too soft while being over soaked by the chemical liquid.
There is also other methods could be used to bend the balsa wood. For example, you xzmbchlwd could just bend the wood and when you feel that the wood will break, you could stop and try to bend again. This method is in need of none material or methods, besides, it could attain the greatest degree of the flexibility. But you need to pay much more time as compared with the last two methods.
Well, now you have learned how to bend balsa wood. Are you going to use the balsa wood to make some models you are interested? The balsa wood is born with the ability to be used to make models. On our websites, we almost provide all the steps to make different types of models. With the proper methods, I am sure you would create the perfect model soon by yourself.IF you may also want to know more about balsa rectangle , you can go to our website to find the knowledge about them. Here is the website:

Tuesday 20 August 2013

How could you cut balsa wood?

Since balsa wood is broadly applied, someone may wonder to know what is balsa wood . Well, balsa wood is a type of light and strong wood. The most popular application of balsa wood is used to make models. In addition to the wide applications, are you interested in the usage of balsa wood, such as the cutting or bending method?
How could you cut balsa wood?
Generally, the balsa wood is easy to cut due to its softness. The factor you need to remember is that the balsa wood is born with different thickness and so you need to choose the different tools to cut the wood. While placing the balsa wood on the table and trying to use the knife to cut it, you should better place a cutting board between the wood and the table to avoid to cut the table and protect the blade from damaging. From the start, you need to release your strength slowly. Try a little harder after having made sure the wood could be cut by the knife.
How to bend balsa wood?
Although the balsa wood is flexible, you need to be careful while you need to bend it. In order to make the wood become more flexible to bend it without breaking, you could soak the wood in the mixture of water and ammonia. According to the thickness and the size of balsa wood, the time you need to soak could be different. After soaking, you need to make the balsa wood in the desired shape and tape it. You would need to wait a few days to let the balsa wood dry throughly.
How to fix balsa wood products?
While the cracks appear on the balsa models, you don't need to worry too much and you could repair them. If the model is glued together, you could separate the model into parts easily. Finding the broken parts and make another part as similar as it. Remove the dry glues and then you could assemble the model again. Besides, the areas you place the models should be clean, dry and cool.
Now, you have known what is balsa wood. Maybe you are trying to make your own balsa planes or other models. If so, you need to buy the high quality balsa wood. If you are looking for the methods to make different types of models.For more, if you are also interested in bass polywood , you can go to our website to know more.
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Sunday 18 August 2013

High Quality Hardwood timber and Softwood timber

Wood and wood based products are significant for its wide used in our daily life. Wood is universally available product, which is abundant and inexhaustible. Wood is a nature's gift to a human being for its extensive use from ancient times.For more, if you want to know more about the softwood balsa, then you can take a look into our website. You know that the balsa wood can make your different kinds of model.
There are various consumer products made from processing wood such as various types of paper and board materials, decorative woodwork, cabinets, mouldings, sports equipment, furniture, construction materials, home building, flooring, other fibers, tanning chemicals and many more products widely used in our daily life.
Timber is a wood widely used for various applications such as its structural material is g4nmkvkz used in construction; wood pulp is used in paper production.
Timber is used as rough or finished. Rough timber is used as the raw material for preparing furniture. It is available in various species known as hardwood timber. Finished timber is supplied in standard sizes useful for the various industries mostly construction industry. Softwood timber of coniferous species includes fir, pine, and spruce (also known as Spruce-pine-fir), hemlock and cedar. Some hardwood is also used for high-grade flooring.
Pioneer Importer of Hardwood Timbers and Softwood Timbers
We are one of the leading timber merchants and importer of high quality Hardwood Timbers and Softwood Timbers in the UK. We have comprehensive range of quality Hardwood Timbers and Softwood Timbers stocks. As a reliable hardwood timber merchant, we are supplying and manufacturing profiled timbers, machined softwood and hardwood timber.Here to know more about balsa block , article resource:

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Simple info of oak, osage orange and Paulownia

Oak, White
The white oak family members also include the bur oak, chestnut oak and Oregon white oak. This oak is immediately recognized by rounded lobes plus the lobe tips never have bristles like red oak. White oak is less favored than red oak because it is difficult to transplant and has a slow growth rate.For more if you interesed in the softwood balsa , you can take information in our webiste.
Oak, Willow
The medium to large willow oak has unique willow-like foliage and is known for its rapid growth and long life. A favored shade tree, willow oak is widely planted as an ornamental. It is also a good species to plant along margins of fluctuating-level reservoirs.
Osage Orange
The osage orange creates a dense canopy, making it useful as a windbreak. qyexbictzs Young osage oranges can develop an upright, pyramidal habit and the fruit is unique, roughtextured, heavy green balls which ripen to yellowgreen and fall in October and November. The large, three to six-inch long by two to three-inch-wide, shiny, dark green leaves turn bright yellow in fall and are quite noticeable in the northeastern United States.
Paulownia, Royal
Royal paulownia is an introduced ornamental that has become well established in North America. It is also known as princess-tree, empress-tree, or paulownia. Paulownia has a tropical look with very large catalpa-like leaves although the two species are not related. The paulownia has been touted as growing very valuable wood under correct management strategies.By the way , if you are looking for some wood to make models you can take a look at end grain balsa in our wesite.
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Tuesday 13 August 2013

The informationf for maple and magnolia

Magnolia, Southern
The Southern magnolia or bull bay, is a magnolia native to the southeastern United States, from coastal Virginia south to central Florida, and west to East Texas. The tree is a very popular ornamental tree throughout the southeastern United States, grown for its attractive foliage and flowers. The Southern magnolia is the state tree of Mississippi, and the state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana.For more if you are interested in balsa  wood (balsa tree), you can visit our website.the quality balsa round is for you.
 Maple, Bigleaf
Acer macrophyllum (bigleaf maple or Oregon maple) is a large deciduous tree in the genus Acer. It is native to western North America, mostly near the Pacific coast, from southernmost Alaska south to southern California. Bigleaf maple is the only commercially important maple of the Pacific Coast region.
Maple, Red
Acer rubrum or red maple is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern North America. Red maple is adaptable to a very wide range of site conditions, perhaps more so than any other tree in eastern North America. Its ability to thrive in a large number of habitats is largely due to its ability to produce roots to suit its site from a young age. Red Maple is widely grown as an ornamental tree in parks and in the landscape. Dozens of red maple varities have been developed and the tree is prized for its fall color.
 Maple, Silver
Silver maple is a weak tree but often introduced in the landscape to the dismay of many who plant it. It can be saved for planting in wet areas or where nothing else will thrive. The maple is also aggressive, growing into septic tank drain fields and into broken water and sewer pipes. Silver maple is closely related to the red maple, and can hybridise with it, the hybrid being known as the Freeman maple (Acer x freemanii). The Freeman maple is a popular ornamental tree in parks and large gardens, combining the fast growth of silver maple with the less brittle wood. The tree has very little value as a forest product.
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Thursday 8 August 2013

The excite life of balsa wood

Ochroma lagopus, is the scientific name for balsa wood! Balsa is a Spanish word meaning raft; it got its name for the excellent buoyant characteristics that it possesses.
While intern Samantha Weaver was doing research for the new balsa wood exhibit, she came across many facts about the life of balsa wood that were too extensive to put into the display, like the fact above. The information that was not used in the exhibit is, in general, not widely known about a wood that many have come in contact with in their lives. A few of these interesting tidbits of information are being shared here so that more people can be informed about this material.
From growing in humid rain forests to being used for building, balsa wood is a very unique and pxbkctbsd diverse material known for its light weight yet stable qualities, but how exactly does a balsa tree grow up to be that thin sheet of wood everyone, especially modelers, are so familiar with?
Looking at a balsa wood core one can see, like any other tree, it has growth rings. These rings play a crucial part in determining the characteristics of the balsa sheet that is cut out. Balsa has a heterogeneous composition, this means that one section of the wood will have specific qualities, while another section could be at complete odds with those characteristics. Cutting balsa wood is a precise procedure because of this. The different angle which a balsa tree is put into a saw defines the grain that comes out. If the angular rings are cut in a way that is with the grain it would produce “A-grain” type of balsa which is flexible but easily warped, across the grain produces “C-grain” which is very stiff, splits easily, but is most warp resistant, and the spare pieces of balsa left over are cut into “B-grain” which has a mix of qualities of the other two.
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the balsa wood can be sorted into three type

Frankly speaking, the balsa wood can be sorted into three types as we have introduced before. Here we will give you a more detailed introduction. Well, the wood can be A-Grain, B-Grain and C-Grain. The grain type is determined by the orientation of the cut to the grain. And the grain direction controls the rigidity and flexibility more than the density of the wood. A-Grain balsa wood has long grain lines along the length of the wood. It is the most easy type to carve since it is very flexible and can be bend very easily around curves. This kind of wood is the best choice for sheet covering rounded edges, planking, and making flexible spars. B-Grain has shorter lines than A-Grain, and feels stiffer across the sheet. This is perhaps the most common grain type. While C-Grain has a mottled appearance. Aesthetically, it has better grain detail and it is better for use where the look of tighter grain pattern is desired. Compared with other grains, it is more warp resistant and stiff. If you need the strong wood, you are advised to choose C-Grain balsa wood.
As we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa is the most light wood actually. It is soft, lightweight but very durable and strong. It is the selected origin material for models and dolls and surfboards etc. In order to fit for different manufacturing requirements, balsa wood should be bent into different shapes or angles sometimes. Here we will give you a brief introduction on how to bend or arch the balsa wood.
You should be very carefully when bending the balsa wood since it is very expensive. You should ensure that there is no splitting and breaking when you bend it. There are some things that you will need, like balsa wood, container of appropriate size, warm water, ammonia, arch template and masking tape.
First of all, you should fill the container with the mixture of equal ammonia and warm water. As we have introduced above, the container should be of appropriate size to fit the your expected balsa wood in. The container should be large enough to hold the wood.
Then, you should submerge the balsa wood in the container which has ammonia and warm water in to soak it for about one hour. You may be confused by the question why should we use ammonia, right? Well, it is one of the chemical substance which can make the balsa wood become more soft and flexible. The ammonia will break down the balsa wood at a cellular level actually.
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Wednesday 7 August 2013

A C-Grain balsa sheet will be very rigid edge to edge

A balsa wood sheet cut with the annular rings running through the thickness of the sheet is known as C-grain. A C-Grain sheet will be very rigid edge to edge and cannot be bent without splitting.

Grain type and direction determine the rigidity or flexibility of a balsa sheet more than density does. The image at right shows how a log is converted into planks with different properties, an A grain sheet, cut from the log so that the tree's annular rings run across the thickness of the sheet it will be fairly flexible from edge to edge. On the other hand, if it is C grain, cut with the annular rings running parallel to the surface of gdjlhqgnvz the sheet, it will be stiff and rigid edge to edge.

If the grain direction is less clearly defined as in B grain, the sheet will have properties intermediate between A and C types. B grain is the most abundant and is suitable for most jobs. As B grain is most common, it can be available in surplus quantities quite cheaply, so the model builder may have a surfeit of this type of grain... This can be overcome by making formers and wing ribs from this type of grain and then lightening the items by cutting circular holes, then covering with thin tissue that can be shrunken and doped to give a much stiffer item that is resistant to splitting.

Whenever you come across good examples of A-grain or C-grain sheets, learn where to use them to take best advantage of their special characteristics.
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Tuesday 6 August 2013

Now know more about the 3 kinds of balsa grain

A-Grain also known as a Tangent cut
A-Grain has long fibres that show up as long grain lines against a smooth creamy background and is very flexible across the width of the sheet, it warps easily and readily bends around curves, but lacks stiffness. Use for sheet covering tightly rounded fuselages and curves and fabricated wing leading edges (D-boxing), forming tubes, strong yet flexible spars that can withstand 'hard landings', hand launched glider fuselages.
Don't use for unsupported sheet balsa wing or tail surfaces, ribs, or formers. To make A grain balsa wood more pliable and easier to bend without breaking, soak it overnight in a bucket of water with a small amount of ammonia (or bleach) added. It should be bent or shaped while wet, and then clamped in the correct shape over a former until it is completely dry.
B-Grain also known as Random or Mixed grain cut
Grain lines are shorter than type A, and it feels noticeably stiffer across the sheet. These B grain sheets vary a great deal in properties, often a single sheet will vary from A to C grain across it's width. This cut of balsa wood is useful for general purposes... Use for flat uncomplicated fuselage sides, trailing edges, wing ribs, formers, planking of soft gradual curves, wing leading edge sheeting (select the softest portion of sheet for the axtmdjbfzx tightest curvature). Generally, try to avoid buying sheets that change grain type dramatically across the surface (which can cause warping). If A or C grain is not available, you can sometimes find a portion of a B grain sheet that will make the part concerned. Occasionally, a variable grain structure may suit a particular part that requires different characteristics in different areas, but such occasions are rare.
Don't use if type A grain or type C grain will do a significantly better job.
C-Grain also known as a Quarter grain or Quarter sawn
This grain type has shorter, more mottled grain and is the most pleasant in appearance, sometimes looking like fish scales (occasionally the fish scales are of 'shot silk' iridescent appearance). It is very stiff across the sheet, is brittle and splits easily (sometimes too easily) longitudinally. This is the most warp resistant type, but it is difficult to sand effectively. Use for sheet balsa flying surfaces, fins, flat fuselage sides, wing ribs, formers, trailing edges.
Don't use for curved planking, rounded fuselages, rounded tubes, hand launched glider fuselages, or wing spars.If you want to know more information about balsa wood, go to our website here :

Monday 5 August 2013

Balsa is ideal for beginning wood carvers

Balsa wood is a lightweight wood that is excellent for carving. It's soft and comes in an array of precut sizes. Balsa is ideal for beginning wood carvers because of its versatility and ease of use. Craftsmen have been using balsa for decades to carve everything from boats that actually float and model planes that fly to pieces for miniature landscapes. Learn how you can use balsa wood to create your own carvings.
Buy balsa wood in sheets or blocks. You can find it at hobby outlets or online suppliers (see resources). Blocks of balsa are best for carving. Buy several sizes so you'll have what you need for your project.
Decide what you want to carve. If you're new at it, choose something easy. A simple boat is a popular choice. Sketch your idea on paper. You don't have to be an artist. The idea is to get something down that you can use as a guide when you carve the balsa.
Find a comfortable place to work with your block of balsa and a carving knife. Work axtmdjbfzzc from your sketch and carve the balsa a little at a time, following your design. Be cautious as you carve. Balsa is relatively expensive, and as a soft wood, it's easy to cut too much. You want to waste as little as possible.
Carve the hull of your boat, holding your balsa in one hand and turning it against the blade of the knife as you cut away thin pieces. Continue to shape the hull, using your thumb as a guide to ensure you maintain the curve of the hull as you carve.
Cut away a flat section on top of the hull and use the tip of your knife to hollow out the inside of the hull. Hollow the hull out, but leave two strips of wood inside for seats. The carving will, hopefully, resemble a small boat.
Use very light sandpaper to smooth the boat. Again, because balsa is so soft, you don't want to over sand or you risk taking too much of your carving away.
Paint your carving with acrylic paint. In the case of a small boat, you might use brown for the main color, then a few strokes of black to give it a worn and weathered look. This simple boat is your first balsa carving. Now you can move on to something more complex.For more related article comes from

Friday 2 August 2013

balsa wood is light but very strong

balsa Wood is light and delicate but very strong because the structural cells of the wood are large and very thin walled. This then makes the proportion of solid matter to open space very small. Woods typically have a sticky cement, called lignin, (a polymer like substance) holding the cells together.
Balsa wood is such a low density that it can be easily cut and worked with hand tools, sanding blocks and Exacto style blades. Balsa wood is the favorite choice for toy airplanes and helicopters. It is extremely light, while holding a good level of solidity. Balsa wood is also used to build very light, rigid structures in model bridge tests.
Balsa wood does have a grainy texture, so consumers should be aware of what type of cut they need for a specific project. Some balsa wood is cut across the grain, which makes it suited for carving but not for weight-bearing projects. Balsa wood is frequently thought of as the strongest wood in the world, for its weight. Pound for pound it is more substantial, in some respects than pine, hickory, or even oak.
Balsa wood gets its great strength from its vascular arrangement, a network of small tubes which kxiugtka carry nutrients and water throughout the tree. Balsa wood is also a little delicate, as I'm sure you have noticed. It is also the strongest practical material for its weight and therefore continues as the most popular model building material.
Balsa wood is a good wood for starting projects because it is easy to manipulate. Balsa wood aircraft are cheap, unbelievably light and easy to assemble.
Sheet balsa always needs to be squared if you need it to have a straight edge, because many pieces have a large amount of curvature. Sheets are cut in the entire wide range of density.
Crafters and hobbyists will find balsa very easy to cut and carve, making it ideal for a number of different projects. It can also be painted or stained any color the hobbyist desires.
We all know that balsa wood is the best wood for our models. but where to get those quality balsa  with reasonable price. Here i highly recommend you a professional online store for the website is

Thursday 1 August 2013

Common Uses for Balsa wood

In spite of its light weight, balsa wood has incredible strength. In fact, among all the lightweight wood varieties, balsa is considered to be the strongest. This is because each cell of the tree is naturally infused with water that makes it rigid enough to withstand the jungle setting. However, when pooled together with the rest of the wood varieties, balsa is only third or fourth in the strength category.
There are different grains of balsa wood, and each has attributes of its own. A-grain balsa lumber is the most flexible type. When immersed in water, it can easily be manipulated into the required forms and shapes. On the other hand, A-grain balsa changes very easily, affecting its life span. Balsa of the B-grain variety is the most readily available kind. This is the ideal type because B-grain balsa can be used for numerous purposes. Lastly, there is the C-grain balsa which can easily be recognized through the evident grain line patterns. Among the three grain types, C-grain balsa is the most brittle and warp-resistant.
Common Uses for Balsa
Balsa wood was first used during World War I as a substitute for cork. During this period, life rafts and armor plates were constructed of balsa. In World War II, balsa use was upgraded for the making of airplanes. It became the primary material for the famous British de Havilland Mosquito combat airplane.
Apart from being lightweight and durable, balsa wood also has the ability to float, which makesmuxtpvix  it an ideal material for surfboards and other water sports equipment. Another popular use for balsa lumber is model kits, usually that of airplanes. Again, because the material is light, model airplanes constructed from balsa generally perform better than its other counterparts. Doll houses and the miniature furniture that accompany them are also routinely made out of balsa. The same is true for stage furniture and other props. The other parts of the balsa tree are used for insulation, stuffing, sound-absorption and packing.More related article comes from