Thursday 8 August 2013

the balsa wood can be sorted into three type

Frankly speaking, the balsa wood can be sorted into three types as we have introduced before. Here we will give you a more detailed introduction. Well, the wood can be A-Grain, B-Grain and C-Grain. The grain type is determined by the orientation of the cut to the grain. And the grain direction controls the rigidity and flexibility more than the density of the wood. A-Grain balsa wood has long grain lines along the length of the wood. It is the most easy type to carve since it is very flexible and can be bend very easily around curves. This kind of wood is the best choice for sheet covering rounded edges, planking, and making flexible spars. B-Grain has shorter lines than A-Grain, and feels stiffer across the sheet. This is perhaps the most common grain type. While C-Grain has a mottled appearance. Aesthetically, it has better grain detail and it is better for use where the look of tighter grain pattern is desired. Compared with other grains, it is more warp resistant and stiff. If you need the strong wood, you are advised to choose C-Grain balsa wood.
As we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa is the most light wood actually. It is soft, lightweight but very durable and strong. It is the selected origin material for models and dolls and surfboards etc. In order to fit for different manufacturing requirements, balsa wood should be bent into different shapes or angles sometimes. Here we will give you a brief introduction on how to bend or arch the balsa wood.
You should be very carefully when bending the balsa wood since it is very expensive. You should ensure that there is no splitting and breaking when you bend it. There are some things that you will need, like balsa wood, container of appropriate size, warm water, ammonia, arch template and masking tape.
First of all, you should fill the container with the mixture of equal ammonia and warm water. As we have introduced above, the container should be of appropriate size to fit the your expected balsa wood in. The container should be large enough to hold the wood.
Then, you should submerge the balsa wood in the container which has ammonia and warm water in to soak it for about one hour. You may be confused by the question why should we use ammonia, right? Well, it is one of the chemical substance which can make the balsa wood become more soft and flexible. The ammonia will break down the balsa wood at a cellular level actually.
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