Wednesday 14 August 2013

Simple info of oak, osage orange and Paulownia

Oak, White
The white oak family members also include the bur oak, chestnut oak and Oregon white oak. This oak is immediately recognized by rounded lobes plus the lobe tips never have bristles like red oak. White oak is less favored than red oak because it is difficult to transplant and has a slow growth rate.For more if you interesed in the softwood balsa , you can take information in our webiste.
Oak, Willow
The medium to large willow oak has unique willow-like foliage and is known for its rapid growth and long life. A favored shade tree, willow oak is widely planted as an ornamental. It is also a good species to plant along margins of fluctuating-level reservoirs.
Osage Orange
The osage orange creates a dense canopy, making it useful as a windbreak. qyexbictzs Young osage oranges can develop an upright, pyramidal habit and the fruit is unique, roughtextured, heavy green balls which ripen to yellowgreen and fall in October and November. The large, three to six-inch long by two to three-inch-wide, shiny, dark green leaves turn bright yellow in fall and are quite noticeable in the northeastern United States.
Paulownia, Royal
Royal paulownia is an introduced ornamental that has become well established in North America. It is also known as princess-tree, empress-tree, or paulownia. Paulownia has a tropical look with very large catalpa-like leaves although the two species are not related. The paulownia has been touted as growing very valuable wood under correct management strategies.By the way , if you are looking for some wood to make models you can take a look at end grain balsa in our wesite.
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